Cinderella and Her Barely Godmother
Cinderella has it rough. Always taking care of others and getting nothing in return, she dreams of someone sweeping in and magically transforming her life with the wave of a wand. But what happens when the first-rate enchantress she wishes for turns out to be a second-tier sorcerer? Join us for a spell as we witness the duo discover what true magic really is.
Cinderella and Her Barely Godmother
Produced by Arts in the Open
Summer 2019
Performed at Chautauqua in Boulder, Co and
Four Mile Historic Park in Denver, Co.
Written & Directed by Patti Murtha
Cinderella/Starey: Molly Bibeau
Barely/Prince: Todd Kadtke
Stepmother/Miss Wood-Nymph: Elle Tieszen
Prudence/Merry: Vicky Serdyuk
Agatha/Contrary: Lauren Michelle Long
Costumes & Props: Rebecca Aviña
Photos by Patti Murtha